Little, Red Surprise

I did not even think Angie was bred, but there was a surprise waiting for us next to the pond this evening.

Cows and the new, improved pond

As soon as Dad had bulldozed out the shallow pond, the cows had to come check out his work.

Topaz and the Apple Core

She is the one that will eat right out of your hand.

Moving the herd

The three bred heifers will be calving soon.  It is time to move them closer to the house.

Inez's bull calf is getting frisky.

It was feeding time in the nursery.  Inez's calf was showing off.

Topaz never meets a stranger.

Our cousin, Jane, was visiting from Maryland.  Topaz is trying to get her to move back to Oklahoma.

Shorthorn Playtime

Hennessy and the bull calf are playing "who's boss?"  I'm not sure who won, but they are so fun to watch.

Growing Babies

Hennessy is almost two months old.  She and the two bull calves are growing almost as fast as the grass in the pasture.

Kinlee and Hennessy

Kinlee and Hennessy finally met today.  I think they both got a workout.  I believe this little heifer will be halter-broke in just a few weeks.